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October 15, 2017 - Patient Story, Stories

They caught it…in time

Throughout their lives, former teacher and writer, Willa McLean and her husband – the late, renowned television host Bob McLean – loved to learn what made others tick, and to bring out the best in people.

That interest inspired Willa to donate to Brampton Civic. That, and the life-saving care she received when she was diagnosed with cancer.

She had gone to the doctor, complaining of abdominal pain. Preliminary tests found a low blood count, suggesting something was seriously wrong. She was urgently referred for a colonoscopy, which found a large cancerous tumour. It was successfully removed during surgery, but there were life-threatening complications. Willa was losing a lot of blood internally, and required further emergency surgery.

She had to fight for her life. “I think I was connected to every machine in the ICU, which helped the doctors and nurses to save me.” As a result of her life-saving treatment, she took a serious look at how she gives.

“I’ve been donating to causes that really didn’t touch my life. After those nine weeks at Brampton Civic, this changed.”

“My crisis made me realize the importance of my community hospital and the basic goodness in the people that work there. There was so much love and warmth at Brampton Civic. But these compassionate doctors and nurses need the best equipment to ensure they continue to provide excellent care. That’s why I have made a gift to Osler Foundation, and I hope others will, too.”

We are grateful to Willa for her generosity and desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

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