Donor Profile: Sheridan College

August 25, 2020 - Donor Story, Stories

Every year Sheridan College prepares students for health care careers as nurses, personal support workers and pharmacy technicians. Staff and students understand firsthand the importance of having the right tools for the job, so when Osler launched a PPE Collection Drive in preparation for an escalation in COVID-19 cases, they stepped forward with a donation of masks, gowns and gloves.
“The challenge of working in hospitals is immense. The challenge of working in a hospital during a pandemic without PPE is anxiety inducing. Our hope was to alleviate, at least in some small way, some of that anxiety that may come about,” said Dr. Michael O’Leary, the college’s Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health and Community Studies and Davis Campus Principal. “We wanted to answer that call for our colleagues in Brampton so they can focus on patient care.
The need to support their community hospitals was important to Sheridan College, to ensure quality health care close to home.
“William Osler is vital to the health and wellbeing of all members of Peel Region and the community depends immensely on Brampton Civic,” says Dr. O’Leary. “A donation to William Osler is really a donation to everyone within the community and helps to support the local and regional health and wellness of everybody.”
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