Terms and Conditions of Use: Please read the following terms and conditions of use for the William Osler Health System Foundation website. By using this location, you are agreeing to accept the terms and conditions of use. Osler Foundation may revise and update these Terms and Conditions at any time.
Copyright information: Information on the site is not to be reproduced without prior consent from the Foundation. Trademarks of William Osler Health System Foundation used on the site are the property of the Foundation. Trademarks and logos are not to be used without written permission from the Foundation or respective owner.
Use of logo: Please obtain permission from the Foundation to copy or otherwise use the William Osler Health System Foundation logo for literature or advertising surrounding third-party events or any other type of promotion.
Third-Party Websites: Links from William Osler Health System Foundation’s site are created by organizations outside of the Health System and the Foundation. Any problems should be referred to these organizations. Osler Foundation does not approve or endorse the content therein.
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Contact Information: If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions of Use or the William Osler Health System Foundation site, contact the Strategic Communications Department at
Privacy Policy: William Osler Health System Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors. We value your trust and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we are open and accountable in how we treat your information. Personal information gathered by our organization is kept in confidence. We do not sell, trade or otherwise share our mailing lists.
We collect and use personal information for three purposes:
1. To process donations
2. To keep our donors informed about Health System and Foundation activities
3. To ask for your support.
For further information on privacy and your rights concerning personal information, please email us at or telephone 905.863.2440 and we will accommodate your request.
Charitable Business Number 12996 5133 RR0001
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