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Staff Q & A: Dr. Shy Amlani


December 7, 2018 - Hospital Family Story, Stories

Medical Director, Cardiac Procedures Unit, and donor

Q: What impact do you see donations making in your area?

A: I see the impact of donations almost immediately. We were fortunate to have donors who gave generously to build and grow our ‘Cath Lab’, and overnight we turned the hospital into a place where we can treat heart attacks immediately. That’s had a profound effect on patients in the area—it’s incredible. Patients were previously going outside of our area to be treated in other communities. Overnight we cut our treatment times in half, and to be able to cut that in half, you also dramatically improve your survival rates for heart attacks.

Q: Why do you support the Foundation?

A: I think we all have a role in supporting our hospitals. I joined Osler in 2012 and I’ve seen the immense growth in the community. I have a first-hand view of the needs our patients have in the hospital. I think Foundations such as ours have done an immense job in helping to provide the equipment that the doctors, nurses and staff need to treat these patients significantly. And I see the positive impact on the community of these sort of contributions.

I also see a lot of potential in this hospital system: if we’re given a task, we can succeed.  We’ve proven that in the past five years with the introduction of our angioplasty program, and so I am very happy to contribute to the cause. I understand that the resources can be hard to come by and must be raised by the community, so I’m happy to do anything I can in that regard to help.

Q: What motivates you in your career?

A: I enjoy the actual procedural aspects of care. I love the patient interactions. The patients here are very appreciative, so the daily interactions and patient care are my clinical forte—I love that. The technical aspects of the procedures are fantastic and I’m always learning more. It’s a very dynamic field.  Aside from that, it’s a fun place to work!

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