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Good things are happening in our hospitals every day. Lives are changed for the better. Lives are saved.

Storytelling unites us as human beings. We tell our stories to our families, friends and neighbours. Through our stories, we show people what’s important to us. We connect with the people we love.


Do you have a story to tell about the life-changing care you or your loved one received at Osler?

Is there a Health Care Hero who deserves special recognition?

Please share your story with us so that we may spread some good news. As a bonus, your story will inspire others to donate to Osler so that more and more stories will have happy endings.

Alan Boughton

Honouring doctors for compassionate care Alan Boughton, President of Trailcon Leasing, talks about being diagnosed and treated for ulcerative colitis at age 37. He was diagnosed after undergoing a colonoscop… Read More.

December 28, 2016

Donor Story, Stories

Armstrong family

Continuing a tradition of generosity When people in Brampton hear the name “Armstrong”, they may think first of horses. After all, Charles Armstrong is an icon in the horse racing community. What people may… Read More.

October 14, 2016

Patient Story, Stories

Sukhi, Kulwant and Prab Riarh

Our son stopped breathing. I’ll never forget it. We had just gotten Prab to “Emerg” when it happened. I think I stopped breathing when he did. But the nurses took him straight from my arms and began tr… Read More.

February 5, 2016

Patient Story, Stories

Eshaan Chawla

Saying “Thank You” doesn’t seem like enough… Thank you to the alert nurse who noticed my newborn baby boy wasn’t breathing quite right. To the excellent doctors who quickly discovered my baby had some… Read More.

November 19, 2015

Patient Story, Stories

Mala Sharma-Singh

Etobicoke General Hospital Making an Impact Mala Sharma-Singh came to the Emergency Department (ED) at Etobicoke General Hospital with abdominal pain that felt familiar and frightening. “I’d had a bowel… Read More.

March 12, 2015

Patient Story, Stories